2020 Planet Inktober Drawings
This year marks my third Inktober daily drawing challenge. This year I used the prompts from Planet Inktober. Prompts that focused on planetary science. This year to keep in the spirit of Inktober, each drawing started as a pen and ink drawing with less digital enhancements then the previous year. I am really pleased with my interpretation of the prompts and the execution of the art.
Below are some of my favorites.

Day 8, Moon moon, Enceladus, Mimas and Tethys

Day ten Rings, Saturn’s moon Daphnis in the Keeler Gap of the rings.

Day 11, Astronaut Nichole Scott

Day 16, the Crescent of asteroid Bennu
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Day 19, Four views of a crater on the North pole of Ceres.

Day 9, A chain of impact craters

Day 14, Perseverance

Day 16, Psyche and the spacecraft exploring it.

Day 24 the surface of Titan

Day 19, Jupiter
You can view my 2019 Space Inktober challenge here.
2018 Inktober Challenge can be viewed here.